Statement of Intent feedback and learner response

 Title: The vigilante

My show will appear on netflix and amazon prime due to the audience that consumes these streaming services and also because the content that appears on these streaming services match the genre conventions that I will be aiming to fulfill in my video production.

What will my 3 minute extract feature:

In my extract I will focus on creating a narrative which features Mark who has had a traumatic upbringing, this upbringing will be highly intensified through various camera shots which will focus on the traumatic death of his mother when he was younger. This is then what leads him to become a vigilante which focuses on him tracking down criminals in an attempt to see who murdered his mother so that he can finally end up with justice. This will be highlighted through montage scenes of him tracking down criminals followed by various camera angles to show the variety of criminals he has tackled. He will then go about his day tracking criminals as he is waiting for another run who is running towards him, He will then capture him and then take his phone which will help create action and enigma codes. A montage scene of him working out synchronized with flashbacks to build up character codes in Mark helping the audience members learn about him in the short amount of time available.

I plan to meet the brief by focusing on having multiple locations for my extract and by using crane shots and establishing shots to build them up and slowly reveal them to the user. I will also be used a dramatic electronic soundtrack in the background to help build up tension in certain scenes. I would keep the use of graphics to a minimal amount as I believe by focusing on the story and what happens in the scene I will be able to show the audiences what is happening rather than telling which can help to further increase tension which can help to captivate audiences. This would also enable me to fit in enigma and action codes which can help the audiences think whilst watching the extract helping them to engage further. This show and tell method would also allow me to implement blumler and katz theory as my primary audience would be those who enjoy detective shows and by having the audiences be able to solve mini crimes and puzzles as they watch would help contribute to personal identity and surveillance. By having my cast be diverse and fit their roles efficiently I would also be able to implement David Gauntlett’s identity as audience members of all races would be able to identify with the cast and feel like they are able to fit in helping to form a sense of identity in them.

TV listing magazine:

I am planning to follow the stereotypes of crime drama magazines by having masked/hooded characters on display with a dark ominous background overseeing London. This means I am able to include multiple images on the front cover helping to ensure I meet the requirements/the brief.

Editing and mise-en-scene:

I will be using both a fast pace and a slow pace in various scenes to help build and develop contrast within my opening extract. Running scenes will include a fast pace with loud aggressive music whereas dialogue scenes would have slower paced scenes. For mise-en-scene I will implement a strong focus on props such as the phone Mark steals, the drugs in the thief's bag ect to ensure the audience is aware of what is occurring in the scene within the 3 minute time frame. This will also help develop action and enigma codes whilst reinforcing stereotypes of crime genre.

Three improvements:

The first improvement I will need to make is by focusing on representations and talking about how audiences will be targetted and represented.

The second improvement is the focus on shortening the extract whilst increasing the focus on media language to make the extract better.

The third improvement is focusing on how shots will be created and used.

teacher feedback:


Mark: 3


Grade: D / E


Comments for AQA:


  • This is a pretty basic statement of intent that while offering a good concept with some reference to media language does not demonstrate the clarity required for the higher levels.
  • Media language elements are reasonably clear with reference to locations, shots and editing. However, this doesn’t always cover the ‘how’, ‘why’ or specifics. Events in extract seem too ambitious for three minutes of television and narrative features are unclear.
  • Representation is almost completely missing, keeping this in the lower levels.
  • Audience is addressed with reference to Blumler & Katz although again lacking the depth for the higher levels. Lacking more detailed discussion of target audience too.
  • Digital convergence not addressed. Print brief mentioned in short section but does not seem to relate to the brief.




  • This needs quite a lot of work – pretty much from the very beginning. Netflix and Amazon Prime?
  • Layout: I’d strongly recommend using subheadings and bullet points. This will help save you words in the word count and also keep certain elements together such as media language.
  • Your extract description is too long and doesn’t really read like a three-minute clip – more an entire episode. You also need to focus on the narrative features – aim for clarity and simplicity rather than trying to do too much.
  • You don’t really address issues of representation at all. You can write about how you plan to represent lots of different things – place, people, groups etc. Gender, race and London are always popular for us in this location. This is also a good opportunity to bring in theory – and explain/apply it properly (I’m not sure I understand your point on Gauntlett).
  • Audience pleasures are covered but I’d like to see more about your target audience – and develop it explicitly from the brief.
  • The print brief is a TV listings magazine – your statement doesn’t refer to this which keeps it in the lower levels. Go back to the brief and read it carefully! We’ll be planning the print element of the brief after Christmas.
  • Digital convergence element of mark scheme is missing. However, you may find it easier to go back to this when you focus on the print brief in January.


Next steps:


  • Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Statement of Intent feedback and learner response’.
  • As your learner response, pick out the three improvements/changes you need to make to your Statement of Intent before producing a final draft.
  • Re-draft your statement of intent using Microsoft Word / Google Docs – you may wish to do this after Christmas when we have completed research and planning for the print element of the brief.


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