BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat: Blog tasks

 Newsbeat analysis

Read the notes and listen to the extracts from Newsbeat above before answering the following questions:

1) Use BBC Sounds to listen to Radio 1. Scroll to a Newsbeat bulletin (8am or 12.45pm are good options) and write notes on how the bulletins may: 

a) appeal to a youth audience

-talks about football, music and young related things 

b) help fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster. 
-talking about war and current political affairs.

Media Factsheet #224: Industrial contexts of Radio

Read Media Factsheet #224 Understanding the Industrial Context of Radio. You'll need your Greenford google login to access it. Answer the following questions:

1) Read the first two pages of the factsheet. How does the Factsheet argue that radio still has cultural significance in the digital age? 

It says that a lot of people still use radio to this day whether they are in their cars ect.

2) Look at the page 4 section on media theories. Briefly summarise the ideas of Curran and Seaton, Hesmondhalgh and Livingstone and Lunt.

Curran and seaton: Media output is controlled by a few
Hesmondhalgh: The media put profit before creativity
Livingstone and Lunt: Media regulation should have a consumer based approach

3) What is the definition of public service broadcasting?

Broadcasting intended for public benefit.

4) Look at the list of eight key principles for BBC Radio on page 6 of the factsheet. Choose the three you think are most significant and explain why.

Universal appeal as this ensures audiences will be able to be satisfied and their needs met, Attention to minorities so everyone feels included and Guidelines that liberate not restrict as this ensures creativity is everywhere.

5) What does the Factsheet suggest is the future of PSB radio and how might Radio 1 fit into this?

Due to not being able to convince young people to listen to radio the future of PSBs is not looking good, radio 1 fits in as young people do not listen to it as much as the BBC would like.

Industry contexts: reading and research

1) Pick out three key points in the 'Summary' section.

One key point is that the BBC is the uk's most widely used media organisation, another important point is that the BBC must meet their remit by fulfilling their mission. A 3rd key point is that the license sets a range of regulatory conditions that the BBC must meet.

2) Now read what the license framework will seek to do (letters a-h). Which of these points could we relate to BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat?

Securing a more distinctive BBC (C), Requiring the BBC to reflect the full diversity of the UK (H).

3) Which do you think are the three most important aspects in the a-h list? Why?

H because by reflecting the full diversity of the Uk everyone will feel included, F because by supporting a wide range of genres all audiences can enjoy what their tastes are, B because by increasing the support for children and teenagers they will be able to meet their target audience.

4) Read point 1.9: What do Ofcom plan to review in terms of diversity and audience? 

Ofcom plans on examining the on-screen diversity of the BBC's programming which includes its popular peak time shows. This will help them to understand what the UK expects as an audience and whether the BBC is able to meet and reflect the diversity of the Uk and their audience.

5) Based on your reading and research, do you think BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat offers licence fee payers good value for money?

I believe that it is not necessary as there is already other forms of entertainment such as Kiss radio ect which are free and do not require a licence fee to pay.

1) What was Ben Cooper trying to do with Radio 1?

He wants it to be like the netflix of music radio.

2) How does he argue that Radio 1 is doing better with younger audiences than the statistics suggest?

He argues that young people are always on their phones and the statistics may be false.

3) Why does he suggest Radio 1 is distinctive from commercial radio?

He says that radio 1 will play about 4000 tracks a month whereas his competition with play 400 a month.

4) Why is Radio 1 increasingly focusing on YouTube views and digital platforms?

This is because young people are always on youtube and on their phones meaning this would be a good place to target them.

5) In your opinion, should the BBC’s remit include targeting young audiences via Radio 1 or should this content be left to commercial broadcasters? Explain your answer.

I believe that as people already pay a license fee they should be able to see the content on commercial broadcasters because its a waste of money if radio 1 does it.


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